I jar of Kosher pickle spears

1 pound of deli turkey sliced thick (the "sliced thick" part is important!)
2 containers of softened cream cheese (you won't use all of the second package but you'll need more than one). My mom swears non-fat or reduced fat does not work as well, but you can try it.

1. Slice 5-6 pickle spears in half. Pat them dry with a paper towel.

2. Smear a large amount of cream cheese on a piece of turkey. If the turkey begins to rip try doing 2 pieces at once. That means your turkey is too thin. Adding a little bit more cream cheese helps as well.

3. Place a pickle length wise with the turkey. If it's too short add another and trim it to fit.

4. Roll it up and place it seam side down on a cookie sheet. When you're done it should look like this.

5. Depending on how much time you have, place in the fridge or freezer. The colder the pickle roll ups are the easier they are to slice. You should do this for a few hours and can even leave in the fridge overnight.
6. Slice the roll ups about 1 inch thick. Cut off the "ugly ends" as my mom calls it. Don't worry if you feel like you're wasting a lot... I save the ugly parts to eat later. Here is what my pile looked like.

7. Place the pretty, sliced pieces on a platter. Cover and keep in the fridge until you're ready to serve. You can serve with toothpicks or eat them with your fingers.

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We like to do the same thing but with ham instead of turkey. The kids love them!